Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm SO sorry!!

I am so so so so so so so so so so sorry!!! I totally forgot to post anything! I have been so distracted with a bater-y of new idea as well as inspiration for old ones and since Valentine's Day was Monday I have been so busy that I forgot all about writing in my blog.

So to keep refresh what has been missed in the last two weeks or so is simple. I have spent every weekend with George hanging out around the house or out to eat with his parents.

I have been slacking off on my writing but I have several people pressing me on to keep going so I have been working on my novel as well as the plots of two others.

Just today I got a package in the mail and you'll never guess what was in it... BOOKS!!

I got 4 new books today:

So I am totally excited about having them to read so much so that I took the entire box of book to church with me. Well there you have it that is what has been going on. Now I will try to be good and post more I swear!

1 comment:

  1. I heard Amber say I was disappointed in what I really said to Amber was, "Why hasn't Adrian been writing in her blog?" I do check it every day to see if you have posted. Keep writing, woman. (I know, I know....George!"
