Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This is a writing blog. It's supposed to be about my writing and how I've been doing on it and stuff like that. However in order for this blog to be continue to function as it should I have actually to be writing. Something I have not been doing lately.

I am now however determined to get it done! I will be working on it feverishly in the next weeks I have even set a youtube video as my homepage( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK9Efq0MxTc ) in hopes that this will help me to get back to my writing when the Internet sets out on one of it's attempts to distract me and suck hours of my life away.

So in short I'm going to keep writing and I will finish this book.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm SO sorry!!

I am so so so so so so so so so so sorry!!! I totally forgot to post anything! I have been so distracted with a bater-y of new idea as well as inspiration for old ones and since Valentine's Day was Monday I have been so busy that I forgot all about writing in my blog.

So to keep refresh what has been missed in the last two weeks or so is simple. I have spent every weekend with George hanging out around the house or out to eat with his parents.

I have been slacking off on my writing but I have several people pressing me on to keep going so I have been working on my novel as well as the plots of two others.

Just today I got a package in the mail and you'll never guess what was in it... BOOKS!!

I got 4 new books today:

So I am totally excited about having them to read so much so that I took the entire box of book to church with me. Well there you have it that is what has been going on. Now I will try to be good and post more I swear!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Recap Monday (3)

Recap Monday is a day late so sorry about that.

Thursday: School, then at 6 George got back and we went out to eat with his family.

Friday: We spent all day together. We had to pick up Chris from school cuz Mom was at a church retreat. That night George, Amber, Chris, and I went to eat at Pizza hut with George's dad and grandfather.

Saturday: Of course George was here all day. That night both our families went to eat at KFC.

Sunday: Went to church were we did sanctity of life Sunday. After I went out to eat with George and his family then he and I went to Josh's house and played Call of Duty all day till around 10 pm when we had to come home.

Monday: The reason this was a day late was because we had a long weekend. So George was here till around 3 then he had to drive back to Ohio for classes.

Well that was my weekend. How was yours? Anything like mine?